What a Riot
— The way students were involved in the project in order to learn about the Rodney King riots and historical complexities served them to expand and dig deeper into conversations that can be educated within their communities and private circles like their families.
— It was great to read about Schutzman including the rehearsal process into the project and how she prioritized the importance of the student’s learning process
— I believe it was important to have the participants dive into roles opposite to those related to what the world believes to be their stereotypes. This way with the “Joker” approach they get a chance to experience that which comes from the opposite side.
— However, I am concerned about the controversial result(s) the students might have with playing the oppressors and allowing this kind of behavior to manifest, even if it is in a safe space.
— I wonder how different the project would have been if Schultzman had given the opportunity to the students to write their own material? Would they had been able to connect more to the material? Would they had been able you learn more about using their voices?
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