Mind Mapping
1.Where exactly does our tuition go?
2.Does other school’s tuition pay for other school’s projects?
3. How much is each student (average) actually paying after scholarships?
*Special Events*
- Why are we paying 45k a year on Halloween?
- How much are the students paying for all school events and celebrations?
- For other schools with similar tuitions and style of teaching, what resources differ? (ex. Gym, cafeteria life, sports/school wide activities)
*Production Budgets*
- How much does each school pay on production?
- Theater school- 25k budgets for shows
*Options for change*
- What are the budgets each office is allotted?
- What can be changed to save money in each department (ex. Saving money on printing)
- How much do we spend on special guests and one-time instructors?
- What does the student body want to change and what do we collectively want to change spending on?
*Sorry this isnt in the correct form*
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