Key Ideas That I Found Interesting:
- "A very different kind of "collaboration" would arise out of a project produced with a politically-coherent community."
- "Each new site, issue, or community, becomes another opportunity to reaffirm their social transcendence through the universal language of art, which can bridge cultural differences and heal social divisions."
- "The "community" in community-based public art often, although clearly not always, refers to individuals marked as culturally, economically, or socially different either from the artist or from the audience for the particular project."
- "Disavows the autonomous development of the community." (Why were the words in this sentence chosen? What impact do they have?)
- How can an artist present their artwork to a community that they do not identify with and at the same time, not come off as disrespectful?
- Can all types of art actually "bridge cultural differences and heal social divisions?"
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